Why You Should Be Incorporating CBD Into Your Everyday Life

Do you dream of waking up feeling energised and refreshed after a full night’s sleep? Or getting through your busy day with a focused, productive mind? In our hectic modern lives, a clear head and consistent positive energy can be hard to achieve. Whether you’re juggling work calls or running after kids, maintaining mental clarity is even more essential with remote work. Incorporating CBD into your daily routine may bring huge improvements in mood, mental health, and overall well-being.

It’s estimated that 6.5 million Britons now use CBD products, with the market worth well over £300m a year, according to the 2023 European CBD Report by Prohibition Partners. [1] CBD has made a lot of noise over the last few years as an alternative treatment for helping with a multitude of minor ailments to even more acute conditions such as life-threatening epileptic seizures.

CBD products come in three main forms – full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate. Full-spectrum CBD contains all compounds from the cannabis plant, including a small amount of THC. Broad spectrum retains cannabinoids and terpenes but removes THC. Isolate filters out everything but pure CBD.

Recently, a THC product was approved to treat chemotherapy side effects like nausea and vomiting, improving the quality of life for cancer patients [2]. This demonstrates how cannabis compounds can provide therapeutic benefits when separated into specific formulations. Determining which type of CBD best suits your needs depends on your sensitivity to THC and the desired entourage effect from other plant compounds.

Although there is proven scientific efficacy for treating epilepsy with medicinal cannabis, evidence is still lacking when supporting the use of cannabis in the treatment of depression or glaucoma for example. [3] However, there is strong clinical observational data to support the use of CBD as a therapy for multiple disorders associated with mental health.

In support of this fact, back in November (2019), an announcement was released concerning 20,000 patients in the UK being given medical cannabis over two years for efficacy testing with ailments such as chronic pain, MS, epilepsy, PTSD, Tourette’s, anxiety, addiction in an initiative that aims to create the largest body of evidence on the drug in Europe. [4] Something hugely exciting (especially to passionate CBD growers and lovers like us) as it will provide empirical data to support the use of medicinal cannabis in specific cases as a therapy for specific ailments.

Wake up, work out?

We don’t need to bore you with the huge benefits of exercise, some of you avid gym-goers or sports enthusiasts will already know that CBD and exercise work hand in hand for post-recovery in muscle soreness. CBD could potentially let you focus on your workout and therefore work out for longer. Regardless of your personal needs regarding exercise, CBD might be able to help. [5]

Our aim!

We love learning of adults and children who have experienced positive clinical outcomes from medicinal cannabis treatment, despite the restrictive guidance from NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) which is preventing some people from gaining the right treatment on the NHS here in the UK. At CINV Corp, we are producing EU-GMP-certified, medicinal cannabis to export to global regions in the hope of millions finding relief in our products. With our expert team behind us and a strong passion for the plant (and the planet), we will do everything we can to help more people suffering each day.


1. https://canex.co.uk/6-million-people-use-cbd-in-the-uk/
2. https://www.healthline.com/health/cancer/cbd-for-cancer#as-a-preventive
3. https://doh.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/doh/publication/attachments/Medical%20Cannabis%20Clinical%20Efficacy%20V2.pdf
4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7664057/Medicinal-cannabis-given-20-000-British-patients-major-trial.html
5. https://www.we-heart.com/2020/04/07/benefits-cbd-hemp-oil-health-wellbeing/